Open Postdoc Position in interactive Machine Learning with complex biomedical data
A postdoc position in “knowledge discovery and interactive machine learning with complex biomedical data sets” is available immediately at the Holzinger Group ( in Graz, Austria. The postdoc will be financed for four years, with an option to continue for another four years by the newly formed CBmed – Center for Biomarker Discovery and supported by the PhD school “Biomarker discovery”, which is starting with October, 1, 2015.
The challenge: Worldwide there is raising interest in biomarker discovery as an important step towards P4-medicine. The data results from various sources in different structural dimensions, and a systematic and comprehensive exploration of all these data provides a mechanism for data driven hypotheses generation. A grand challenge is to make sense of this complex data sets by applying machine learning algorithms based on the “human-in-the-loop” concept, which is of emerging interest for the international research community.
The applicant should:
1) hold a PhD in machine learning, data mining, knowledge discovery or related area of modern data science;
2) have a strong research record, documented by publications at first-tier related conferences and journals;
3) having interest in advanced methodological approaches and enjoy working in a young research group following the motto
“Science is to test crazy ideas, engineering is to bring these ideas into Business”
The successful candidate shall take an active role in the further development of our research group. Communication skills and fluency in English are required.
Conditions of employment: This post-doctoral position is provided for four years with an option for another four years. The starting date is flexible; there is no fixed deadline, so applications will be considered until the position is filled with the optimal candidate.
Application procedure: Formal applications should include:
1) A scientific curriculum vitae, including a full list of publications;
2) A statement of research interests with an outlook for the coming 4 (8) years;
3) Contact details of three reference persons.
Apply by sending your application as one single PDF document, indicating Postdoc HCI-KDD in the header directly to
Prof.Dr. Andreas HOLZINGER via e-Mail:
About the group: The Holzinger Group works consistently on a synergistic combination of methodologies and approaches of two areas that offer ideal conditions towards unraveling these problems: Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) and Knowledge Discovery/Data Mining (KDD), with the goal of supporting human intelligence with machine learning – human-in-the-loop – to discover novel, previously unknown insights into the data.
For more details please refer to:
Note: The language both of the Holzinger group and the language of the PhD school is English.
Keywords: interactive machine learning, knowledge discovery, data mining, human-in-the-loop, biomedical informatics