We at the Human-Centered AI Lab are working on our FWF-project-P-32554 to systematically study verbal descriptions/explanations of Whole Slide Images (WSI) by pathologists, medical students, and other people. This involves visible phenomena and abstract patterns. The goal of this experiment is to capture the patterns of (specifically selected) WSIs with all the human explanations one can imagine. We simply want to get some insight into the various types of descriptions/explanations that different people come up with – it is about the diversity of explanatory patterns. This survey is about the specialty of intestinal glands, for which we have selected four spots from images that can be seen within this survey. For each picture there are two example descriptions that can be accepted as correct or rejected as incorrect (see example on the first page). In addition, there are nine other empty text boxes in which (for you) relevant aspects / statements can be written. Please indicate at least five. It is possible to switch back and forth between the individual questions.

Disclaimer: This experimental survey is voluntarily, anonymous, for scientific study only and does not raise any ethical issues.

Please take the following very short survey – it will take you about 10 minutes:


For background information see this paper:
