Science Magazine Vol.350, Issue 6266

January, 26, 2016, Workshop “Machine Learning for Biomedicine” TU Graz

Date: Tuesday, 26th January 2016, Start: 10:00, End: 17:00; Venue: Graz University of Technology,
Institute of Computer Graphics and Knowledge Visualization CGV, hosted by Prof. Tobias SCHRECK
Address: Inffeldgasse 16c, A-8010 Graz <maps and directions>

Machine learning is the most growing field in computer science  [Jordan, M. I. & Mitchell, T. M. 2015. Machine learning: Trends, perspectives, and prospects. Science, 349, (6245), 255-260], and it is well accepted that health informatics is amongst the greatest challenges [LeCun, Y., Bengio, Y. & Hinton, G. 2015. Deep learning. Nature, 521, (7553), 436-444 ].

Sucessful Machine Learning for Health Informatics requires a comprehensive understanding of the data ecosystem and a multi-disciplinary skill-set, from seven specializations: 1) data science, 2)  algorithms, 3) network science, 4) graphs/topology, 5) time/entropy, 6) data visualization and visual analytics, and 7) privacy, data protection, safety and security – as supported by the international expert network HCI-KDD.

Program see: