Marta Milo and Neil Lawrence in Reggio di Calabria at CD-MAKE 2017

The CD-MAKE 2017 in the context of the ARES conference series was a full success in beautiful Reggio di Calabria.

In the middle Marta Milo and Neil Lawrence the keynote speakers of CD-MAKE 2017, flanked by Francesco Buccafurri (on the right) and Andreas Holzinger

NIPS 2016 is over

A crazy 5700-people event is over: NIPS 2016 in Barcelona. Registration on Sunday, 4th December, on Monday, 5th traditionally the tutorials were presented concluded by the first keynote talk given by Yann LeCun (now director at Facebook AI research) and completed by the official opening and the first poster presentation.  On Tuesday, Dec 6th, after starting with a keynote by Drew Purves (Google Deep Mind), parallel tracks on clustering and graphical models took place concluded by a keynote given by Saket Nevlakha (The Salk Institute) and completed by parallel tracks on deep learning and machine learning theory and poster sessions and demonstrations. Wednesday was openend by a keynote from Kyle Cranmer (New York University), the award talk “matrix completion has no spurious local min” and dominated by parallel tracks on algorithms and applications, concluded by a keynote by Marc Raibert (Boston Dynamics) who presented advances in latest robotic learning, and parallel tracks on deep learning and optimization, completed by the poster sessions with cool demonstrations. The Thursday was opened by a keynote fromm Irina Rish (IBM) and Susan Holmes (Stanford), followed by parallel tracks on interpretable models and cognitive neuroscience, concluded by various symposia until 21:30! Friday and Saturday were the whole day workshops – the sunday was reserverd for recreation on the sand beach of Barcelona 🙂

NIPS is definitely the most exciting conference with amazing variety on topics and themes revolving in machine learning with all sorts of theory and applications.
