Explainable AI Methods – A brief overview (open access)

open access paper available – free to the international research community

AI TechnikerIN gesucht (open position)

Wir suchen für unser junges Forschungsteam ein(e) AI-TechnikerIn mit Abschluss HTL für Informatik Softwaretechnik oder vergleichbarer Ausbildung für die technische Betreuung des Human-Centered AI Labs und Unterstützung unseres jungen Forschungsteams (embodied intelligence, human-in-the-loop robotics, IoT, sensorik, etc) am Institut für Forsttechnik der BOKU Wien am Standort Campus Tulln – 30 Minuten Wien City. Wir bieten ein extrem spannendes Research Environment mit zukunftsträchtigen Entwicklsungsmöglichkeiten. Bei Interesse bitte direkt Kontaktaufnahme via andreas.holzinger AT boku.ac.at

FWF Explainable AI project P 32554 in the News

This basic research project will contribute novel results, algorithms and tools to the international ai and machine learning community

The Next Frontier – AI we can really Trust

Robustness and Explainability are the two ingredients to ensure trustworthy artificial intelligence – talk at ECML 2021

Fairness in Artificial Intelligence Survey

Please take part in our study of Fairness in Artificial Intelligence to help to overcome bias of machine learning

Please take part in our EMPAIA XAI Survey

The Human-Centered AI Lab invites to take part in a causability measurement study to test the new causabilometer

Please take part in our “Causabilometer” Survey

The Human-Centered AI Lab invites to take part in a causability measurement study to test the new causabilometer